What a fun night with friends. So often I go to shows by myself because it's just too hard to get people out to shows - let alone as many as I do. Tonight I was actually out with two friends and they just made the night. Two of us hit Music Saves for an early in-store performance of Blitzen Trapper. *AWESOME* (great job Melanie!)
We had time to kill afterwards, because the Beachland wasn't even letting people in yet. W caught up with the third and we tried the Collinwood Cafe -- Closed. We ventured all the way to the other end to the Boardwalk. I was blown away. I'd been in there a couple years ago during some day festival, and it wasn't much. However, bar lighting made this place so much cooler, but then isn't that always the case? Cheap & delicious eats. Will definitely be back.
We got back to the Beachland in plenty of time for The Belle Brigade and Dawes. But honestly, we grabbed a table back in the bar and had a great time just hanging out and talking. We could hear the music from table, but nothing really drove us out onto the floor. We grabbed a glass of much-needed water and headed out for Blitzen Trapper.
The place was still pretty full, so we hung back as any consider, self-aware tall person does. Blitzen Trapper put up a full, heavy set of pleasantly current sounding 70's rock riffs, mixed in with some more sensitive songs peppered in. Earlier I talked to my friend about how sometimes for shows, they're much better when you have a previous connection with the songs. I think this was one of these shows. One friend got bored and left, but these guys had me sold the entire night.
Thanks for the review and pics and video! I got there at 10:45pm and a large chunk of the show was over. But what I did see greatly impressed me. That band was incredibly tight and pro-fessional. Excellent! Thanks again.