I saw the Generationals
open up for Ra Ra Riot back in 2011, but I guess you can say they ended up being my main act (because I had
another show to catch the same night). Loved them. Couple new albums, I loved them more. The more I listen, the more I love. Now they're back again (missed them this past October) and playing the
same night as Ra Ra Riot (who's' at the Beachland). Maybe a tough choice for some, but for me it's hands-down Generationals all the way. Which mind you, is why I'm so excited they're
my first Q&A. More on that later…
In the meantime, we even have a great opener! Brass Bed, a quite noble band:
As far as the Generationals go, I just think these guys are pop perfection right now:

So let's get to those deep & probing questions:
Why live music?
Beluga doesn't pay for itself!
Why new music?
People of today need to turn to new music that speaks to their modern lives and struggles with RPG's and gluten intolerance.
Tell me something about the CLE.
Elected in 1967, former Cleveland mayor Carl B. Stokes was the first black mayor of a major American city. Kudos.
There we have it, beluga, RPG's and a first black mayor! Let's just hope they don't actually eat whale.
Here are a couple of older videos I hadn't already posted: