This one slipped by me. Now, Now (formerly Now, Now, Every Children), released their Neighbors EP back in December. Just checking it out and it sounds great... There's a full stream available over at Filter Magazine. Check out Neighbors:
These guys are coming to Cleveland too! Opening for Gold Motel on Tuesday, February 15th at the Grog Shop. Should be a good show.
Now, NowNeighbors
After a year of sleeping in late, scrounging up pennies for bills and cheap food and treading through months of poor spirits, Neighbors stands as the first release from Now, Now since 2008. Though the songs themselves were not assembled around a collective concept, the theme of reconstruction binds the release in both its artistic presentation, and in spirit. In the midst of battling the fickleness of labels and shoddy contracts, the band uses the EP as the shovel with which they begin to dig themselves out of the very dark, deep hole of legal battles and past mistakes. The opening track, Rebuild, serves as the embodiment of everything the band now faces- starting over. With a name change and the help of a new label and friends, Now, Now releases the EP as a beacon of hope, reassuring everyone, themselves included, that the band will forge through the darkness of uncertainty and keep writing. Now, Now is currently writing a new record, enforcing the conviction of the EP that rebuilding is not only possible, but happening now.
Track Listing:
01. Rebuild
02. Giants
03. Roommates
04. Jesus Camp
05. Neighbors
06. Giants (Acoustic)
07. Neighbors (Acoustic)
Oh man...I just love these guys!