Everyone once in a while you see a live show that just blows your mind. This was one of those shows. I had been checking out the new Flint Eastwood album for a little while, and it had really started growing on me. I’ll admit that I’m always skeptical of bands with names that play on popular culture like Com Truise and Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. (now just JR JR), but then again I guess I’ve looked past it for those bands. Once I got to the venue, I ran into my friend Barry who tells me he’s seen these guys multiple times already, raving about them! As soon as they started performing, it was perfectly clear why. They were a force of nature on stage, unlike anything I’ve seen since early Future Islands! So incredible. I can not wait until they play in the area again! Check out the video to get the a better impression - albeit paling in comparison to actually being there.
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